I agree that the information I entered above on this form is correct.
I also agree that Texas School of Professional Photography (TSPP) shall have no responsibility or liability for personal injury to any participant or loss or damage to any participant's property, or for personal injuries or damage to the property of any other person resulting from the participant's involvement in TSPP. The TSPP and the Texas Professional Photographers Association Inc (TPPA) shall have no responsibility for the acts, errors or ommissions of the instructors, staff, or other providers of services to participants in the course of the school or loss or damage to any participant
I release TSPP and TPPA and its officers and Directors from any and all liability for attending TSPP. I accept full responsibility for my own actions and hold harmless the actions of others while I am at the school. I accept full responsibility for any computer or camera equipment that I brought to the school. TSPP will not be responsible for any loss, theft, or damage.
I hereby irrevocably agree to be photographed while attending the school and release TSPP and TPPA from all liability and compensation from using any photographs taken of me for publication or other purposes.
I also have read and agree to the cancellation and refund policy listed below (note: This is different than the purchase Protection listed on the registration form)
TSPP Cancellation Policy:
On or Before January 20th – Full Refund
January 21 – March 15 – $100 Cancellation Fee
March 15 – April 1 – $200 Cancellation Fee
After April 1 – No refunds
Any class cancellations must be made in writing and addressed to:
TSPP Director, Don Dickson
1501 W. 5th St.
Plainview, TX 79072
[email protected]